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17 Oktober 2023

English For Academic Purposes : For University Students

Selasa, 17 Oktober 2023 Kategori :


Judul: English For Academic Purposes : For University Students
Penulis: Melati, dkk
ISBN: 978-623-8309-16-0
Tahun Terbit: 2023
Cetakan: Pertama
Isi: Bookpaper vi + 78 halaman
Cover: Softcover
Penerbit: CV. Rumah Literasi Publishing

Sinopsis Buku:

This book “English For Academic Purposes : For University Students” is intended to develop the English Academic ability of university students. The skills developed in this book include skimming for main ideas, scanning for specific details, identifying implied meaning, paraphrasing, summarizing, defining, describing, explaining, classifying, writing abstracts, conducting an academic meeting and participating in a discussion, presenting and interacting at conferences.
All of the skills are developed from various types of genre-based texts: description, report, recount, procedure, explanation, exposition, and discussion. The text are of brochure, advertisement, letter to editor, diagram, essay, etc. By recognizing the features of the texts with different structures, the learners are expected to understand the meanings of the texts better. This book, therefore, includes some exercises to help the learners understand the structures of texts such as topic sentences, supporting sentences, restatement sentences, and cohesive devices. In addition, in this book there are also exercises on sentences structure recognition and vocabulary building, which are developed from related texts.
This book consist of 8 chapters; each chapter presents a different type of genre: description, report, recount, procedure, explanation, and discussion. Each unit consists of three, four, or five parts. Each part consists of several activities aimed at developing skills of English for Academic Purposes.

Stok 52


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