Judul : Management of Song Training for Early Childhood Education (PAUD)Teacher Pedagogic Competency Improvement
Penulis: Maria Susana Yudianti, dkk
ISBN : Dalam Antrian
Tahun Terbit: 2024
Cetakan: Pertama
Isi: Bookpaper 80 halaman
Cover: Softcover
Penerbit: CV. Rumah Literasi Publishing
Sinopsis Buku:
Early Childhood Education (ECE) teacher competencies consist of pedagogical, social, personal, and professional competencies. It is necessary to consider the skills and needs of the model; Perspective of implementing and managing training as required. The process proposed by the thematic training involves planning, organization, and evaluation in order to meet the demands of increasing the professionalization of teachers. This research aimed to determine the most effective way to connect song training management with the pedagogical skills of early childhood education (ECE) teachers based on Gorge R. Terry’s theory.
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